September 11, 2024

DataDAO Spotlight: Introducing KLEO – A User-Owned DataDAO for Browsing Content

We are excited to introduce Kleo, a groundbreaking new DataDAO that empowers users to take control of their data and benefit from their online activities.

Every time you browse, you generate significant amounts of valuable data. This data—your browsing patterns and workflows—is essential for large language models (LLMs) and AI. Unfortunately, centralized entities currently reap massive profits from this data without giving anything back to the users who generate it.

Kleo changes this dynamic. Utilizing a unique proof of contribution algorithm, Kleo rewards you based on your online activity. Our classifier algorithms assess the uniqueness, intelligence, and importance of your actions, determining your data quality. The higher your data quality, the greater your monthly rewards. We transparently share information about your highest-earning activities, so you always know what contributes most to your rewards.

What is Kleo?

Kleo is a browser extension that integrates seamlessly into your daily web experience. It captures page contents and interactions, encrypts this data using public key cryptography, and securely uploads it to the cloud. You have complete control over your data.

With Kleo, you decide how your data is used. Keep it for personal insights, or contribute it to the Kleo DataDAO, where it can help build new, collectively owned AI models that are transparent, ethical, and designed to benefit all participants.

Why Kleo Matters

Kleo challenges the existing model of data ownership. Unlike centralized AI systems that collect and monetize your browsing data without your consent, Kleo offers a decentralized alternative where your data remains under your control. Your web habits, interests, and interactions are not monetized by third parties but instead contribute to a more open and equitable AI ecosystem.

By joining the Kleo DataDAO, you ensure your digital footprint is used responsibly and fairly. The Kleo community collectively decides how contributions shape AI development, ensuring that the benefits are shared equitably rather than controlled by a few powerful entities.

Get Involved: Join the Kleo DataDAO

Kleo is now available for pre-mine, with limited slots open for early adopters. This is your chance to be at the forefront of decentralized data ownership and contribute to building AI models that reflect the diversity of human experience.

To participate, try the Vana Telegram App and look for the Kleo pre-mine challenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to reclaim your digital sovereignty and help create a new, user-centric future for AI.

About the Founder

Vaibhav Maheshwari, the mind behind Kleo, holds a master's degree in mathematics from NIT Surat. While in college, he developed Facebook Messenger edtech bots that gained over 20k users. After graduation, he worked as a full-stack developer at a startup for two years before diving into the world of freelance web3 development. Vaibhav has maintained a blog for 12 years, sharing his opinions and adventures (, and has won over 15 global hackathons.

"We want our users’ data to earn for them while they sleep."

Stay tuned for more updates and be a part of Kleo’s journey from the beginning. Together, we can build a future where your web experiences belong to you, driving AI innovation in a way that respects and values every individual’s unique digital footprint.